What we do

Our Programmes

Livelihood Opportunities:

DNA promotes programs to source mainstream jobs/internships, contract work/product procurement for sheltered workshops, self employment opportunities & identification of new models of livelihood for PwDs. These programs also support capacity building for NGOs & parents through employability training/job coaching and work with employers for creating an enabling environment at the workplace through sensitisation & training. We also enable sharing of international best practices, case studies and models for promoting employment of persons with disabilities. Some of our programs & activities in this space are:

Mission 1000: One of DNA’s key livelihood initiatives run with technical and implementation support from Enable India.’Mission 1000′ is a time bound, outcome-based mission to impact thousands of lives of persons with developmental, severe and multiple disabilities and society at large. Since its launch in August 2017, Mission1000 has generated 835+ opportunities for such PwDs.

Swashakthi: This programme, also in partnership with Enable India, is for creating self-employment opportunities for PwDs in rural areas where livelihood prospects and facilities for the disabled are limited. The program is built on a strong local community/panchayat participation. It offers vocational training/skilling and building of a strong financial plan. It delivers this by identifying local qualified partners for training, skilling

Employment events: DNA in collaboration with Indian Industry (CII) co-hosted

Engage Ability – Embracing (This) Ability, in ALrk:  an aim to promote employment

opportunities for the disability sector. We a-)restigious Workability Asia

Conference in 2016 in Bengaluru focused on  : boration among employers,

enablers and PwDs.

Health & Education:

Some of our programs & activities in this space are:

Early Intervention: DNA facilitates the implemealic.,                      intervention programmes by

member NGOs to enable a robust eco-system of services c c..1 early stage. As part of this we developed a Framework of Early Intervention to implement ‘Mission 12 K’ program with special focus on North Karnataka.

Hearing Aids: Collaborated with Starkey International & Indian Red Cross, to reach out to 1392 children across 24 NGOs/600 schools in 18 districts and 6 towns in Karnataka to provide hearing aids to these children.

Visually Impaired Students Skilling: Government of Karnataka invited DNA to develop their curriculum for imparting proper training for the inclusion of visually impaired students in the employment sector.

NEP Implementation: In consultation with our members, we are providing the disability sector’s views to the government for this implementation.